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Long term projects

The Royal Northern College of Music

Two capital sums bequeathed to the club were donated to the Royal Northern College of Music for investment, with the interest gained to be used annually to bestow a prize to a student.

In the graduate school the prize is the Soroptimist Prize for Composing or Conducting and in the junior school it is the Helen Latto Prize for the voice.

Each year our President is invited to attend prize giving events at both the graduate and the junior schools.

Daisy Cross Trust Fund. Monies are not held by the club itself but in a separate Trust Fund which has charity status. The fund was bequeathed in the will of former member, Daisy Cross, and the total holding is in excess of £9000. The conditions of the Trust state that interest gained on this capital sum must be used to help the elderly.

Recent beneficiaries include Age UK Salford, Age UK Manchester, Age UK Trafford, Age UK Tameside, Age International, St Anne’s Church Holidays at Home, a Salvation Army Luncheon Club, the Brain and Spinal Injury Centre and Coppice Library Christmas Film Club.