Lotte Peasgood (President for 2024-25)
We are a group of women who share a common interest in helping transform the lives of women and girls locally, nationally and globally. We do this by various means including action, such as supporting our local women’s refuge, lobbying local and national government, and increasing our awareness of issues affecting women and girls.
We currently have 20+ members who enjoy good company, speaker evenings, fundraising events, supporting local and international charities and discussing Club business. Many of our members have moved to the area from elsewhere and have found membership of the local Soroptimists a good way of making friends and trying new activities.

The Eastbourne Club celebrated its 70th Anniversary earlier this year, with a programme of events and meals shared with members of our Link Clubs (some of whom came from as far away as Japan) and other Soroptimists in the South East Region.
We welcome new members and would be delighted to invite you to one of our Club meetings or social occasions. A few of our meetings are via Zoom, but our main Business and Speaker Meetings are in person; we also keep in contact with each other using WhatsApp and the normal channels of email and telephone.
So please do get in touch if you’d like to find out more about us. You will be made very welcome. Just click on the CONTACT US button in the right-hand column.