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Salvation Army Concert and Cheque Presentation £813.41 confirmed!


Dishi and Ellie!
Dishi and Ellie!



Our thanks to Bev who drove and navigated (with Liz) the Birmingham road works to get us to Executive Room 1 at the Symphony Hall at the appointed time for the cheque presentation.  The cheque was presented to Major Peter Forest who was accompanied by his wife Major Julie Forest.  They both spoke warmly of the annual donation that Soroptimists of Lichfield and District have been making to them.  They spoke of the Domestic Violence provision that provides accommodation and dignity to women and children fleeing from violence.  Our donation goes directly to this provision in line with the aims and objectives of Soroptimism.

At the close of the concert, President Pat, Bev, Chris, Dishi, Liz, Margaret and Judith, a friend of Mary’s from Birmingham  club were presented to the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of the County, David Bradnock.  He knew our wider organisation very well and was able to speak about the work that Soroptimists do.  He congratulated and thanked us for supporting the Salvation Army, commenting on the ‘service’ elements of the two organisations.

At the start of the performance Lichfield Soroptimists were publicly acknowledged by the host of the evening!  The performances included school choirs, the Senior Salvation Band and choirs, an African Praise Choir and a wonderful nativity play provided by very young children.  This last captured us all and for President Pat set the scene for Christmas.  For me, the camels fashioned from the bikes of the children who were kings was a particular highlight as was the smaller angel who refused to uncross her arms!!

A spectacular evening that left those of us that attended with a very ‘warm glow’.

Soroptimister David
Soroptimister David