Women and Girls in Science

International Day of Women and Girls in Science – 11 February

Annually, 11th February marks the United Nations’ ‘International Day of Women and Girls in Science’. This day serves as a reminder of the importance of gender equality in the field of science and technology. Established by the United Nations in 2015, this day aims to recognise the critical role women and girls play in science,

International Day of Education – 24 January 2024

Education is often hailed as the key that opens many doors or the universal tool for progress and development. Although its value in making the difference in the lives of humans is known and often spoken about, there remains a divide between the access to opportunities for learning for males versus those for females to

World Braille Day – 4 January 2024

To the average person, Braille may just seem like a series of dots on a paper or any other material or surface. But, to visually impaired and blind individuals, it is more than that – it is their connection to the world, a form of communication and for gaining knowledge. While the United Nations Observance

Human Rights Day – 10 December

On 10th December 2023, the world will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The theme this year is “Dignity, Freedom and Justice for All”. When you consider all the troubles and injustices currently taking place throughout the world, this is such an appropriate theme. 10th December 1948, the United Nations

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty – 17 October 2023

“Building forward together: Ending Persistent Poverty, Respecting all People and our Planet.” SDG1. ‘End poverty in all its forms everywhere’. The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is observed each year and aims to raise awareness about people living in poverty. According to the World Bank the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 pushed between 88