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Programme Action & Council Meetings

The clubs in our region meet together four times a year on designated Saturdays. The meetings take place between 9.00 and 13.00 and are hosted by each club in turn. These meetings consist of two parts: a Regional Council business meeting and a Programme Action meeting.
Each meeting has a separate agenda. The Regional Council meeting agenda includes tabled reports on regional activities from members of the Region’s Executive and discussions on current issues relevant to SIGBI, which may require a vote showing the Region’s preference for action.  The Programme Action agenda includes engaging speakers on issues and from areas related to Programme Action along with discussions on issues relevant to Programme Action locally, nationally and internationally which again may require a vote.
Every member of SI Midland Chase is entitled to attend both of these meetings and each club has a designated voting member who attends and who votes for the club on any issue where a vote is taken.
Our meetings are a mixture of face-to-face and virtual meetings to cater for everybody’s accessibility requirements.


Regional Council & Programme Action Meetings

The 2023-2024 Presidential Year Meeting Dates are:

  • Saturday 25th November 2023 via Zoom
  • Saturday 16th March 2024 via Zoom
  • Saturday 22nd June 2024 at Weston Village Hall, Green Rd, Weston, Stafford ST18 0JQ
  • CHANGE OF DATE NOW 5th October 2024 AGM at Coven Memorial Hall 64-68 Brewood Rd, Coven, Wolverhampton WV9 5DL


The 2024-2025 Presidential Year Meeting Dates are:

  • Saturday 16th November 2024 via Zoom
  • Saturday 22nd March 2025 via Zoom
  • Saturday 28th June 2025 at Weston Village Hall, Green Rd, Weston, Stafford ST18 0JQ
  • Saturday 4th October 2025 AGM at Coven Memorial Hall 64-68 Brewood Rd, Coven, Wolverhampton WV9 5DL

Regional Executive Meetings

These are regular meetings, scheduled throughout the year, where the elected officers of SI Midland Chase meet to discuss the business and strategic development of the Region reflecting the aims and objectives of SIGBI.  These meetings will be held online starting at 7pm.

2024’s Executive Meeting Dates are:

  • Wednesday 24th January 2024
  • Wednesday 28th February 2024
  • Wednesday 27th March 2024
  • Wednesday 24th April 2024
  • Wednesday 22nd May 2024
  • Wednesday 26th June 2024
  • Wednesday 24th July 2024
  • No meeting in August 2024
  • Wednesday 25th September 2024
  • Wednesday 23rd October 2024
  • Thursday 7th November 2024
  • Thursday 5th December 2024

2025’s Executive Meeting Dates are:

  • Thursday 9th January 2025
  • Thursday 6th February 2025
  • Thursday 6th March 2025
  • Thursday 3rd April 2025
  • Thursday 1st May 2025
  • Thursday 5th June 2025
  • Thursday 3rd July 2025
  • No meeting in August 2025
  • Thursday 11th September 2025
  • Thursday 2nd October 2025
  • Thursday 6th November 2025

UKPAC National Meetings

UKPAC is a sub-committee of the Federation Programme Action Team and deals specifically with UK clubs, their Programme Action work and UK issues. It consists of the Programme Action Officer leads from the 17 regions within the UK.

  • 6th April 2024 via Zoom

Minutes of UKPAC meetings are shared on the SIGBI website under UKPAC resources.

Regional Programme Action (Club Leads) Meetings 2024

  • 17th April 2024
  • 18th September 2024

Regional Conferences & Events

These are conferences/events organised by the Regional President & Executive:

Contact us if you would like more information or to participate.