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Soroptimist International - Midland Chase

Soroptimist International of Midland Chase is part of a worldwide organisation of women, which is linked to the United Nations.

Welcome to SI Midland Chase

Women Empowering Others

President Michelle DawsPresident Michelle Daws 2023-2024


Forthcoming Events

  • Saturday 21st September 2024 – AGM & Programme Action Meeting at Coven Memorial Hall 64-68 Brewood Rd, Coven
  • Saturday 16th November 2024 – Regional Council & Programme Action Meeting via Zoom
  • Sunday 24th November 2024 – Change of Insignia Lunch at Brocton Hall Golf Club, Sawpit Lane, Brocton, Stafford ST17 0TH

Our Clubs

Soroptimist International of Midland Chase is currently made up of 9 clubs namely:-

To visit the website of each club simply click on its name above.

To see our latest Midland Chase Regional projects and read our news, please use the Club Menu links on the right.

If you would like more information, then please email us at