1) Club Membership
Join a local Club, attend regular meetings and events and participate fully in their project work which is local, national and international whilst enjoying close friendships forged through regular Club attendance. Be part of a global women’s organisation.
Interested? You can search for your nearest Club or if you know your local Club complete the online form. Then hold tight, your local Club will be in touch soon.
If there isn’t a Club in your area, why not start one? Contact the SIGBI Membership Officer sally@sigbi.org to find out more.
2) Associate Membership
Associate Membership is open to women who believe in what we do, want to be involved, but can’t commit to Club Membership. You will learn about our organisation and get involved in our project work to improve the lives of women and girls through our magazine, website, social media and email updates. This is an online membership although Members can attend our annual conference and may be invited to attend local Club and regional events.