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Act against abuse this (UK) Election – Refuge open letter

There are only a few weeks to urge the next government to prioritise action against domestic abuse.

With the UK General Election approaching, Refuge has the chance to influence the future Prime Minister, whoever they may be, to take a stand against domestic abuse. But they need your help. 

Please sign the open letter to the future Prime Minister today. Together, we can ensure the next government takes a stand against domestic abuse.

Sign the open letter now >>

Every year, 2.1 million adults, mostly women, experience domestic abuse. One in four women will experience it in their lifetime. This is why, we urge the next government to make violence against women and girls a key priority by:

  1. Improving the system for survivors of domestic abuse to ensure fair access to justice, welfare, and housing rights.
  2. Investing in specialist domestic abuse services.
  3. Making the country safer for women and girls.

Our General Election Manifesto is ambitious, but we know there’s no time to lose. We need to end the epidemic of violence against women and girls in this country now. Together, we can pressure the next government to finally tackle domestic abuse.

By signing our open letter to the future Prime Minister, you become a vital part of this movement. Together, we can ensure the new government prioritises the safety and well-being of women and girls. Stand with us, and let’s make a lasting change.