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International day of Friendship-July 30th, 2024

The International Day of Friendship is celebrated annually on July 30. It was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011 with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures, and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. The day is intended to promote a shared spirit of human solidarity and mutual understanding, which can help address and resolve various challenges facing the world.

The Science of Friendship

A review of thirty-eight studies found that adult friendships, especially high-quality ones that provide social support and companionship, significantly predict well-being and can protect against mental health issues such as depression and anxiety—and those benefits persist across the life span. People with no friends or poor-quality friendships are twice as likely to die prematurely, according to Holt-Lunstad’s meta-analysis of more than 308,000 people—a risk factor even greater than the effects of smoking twenty cigarettes per day. Friendships protect us in part by changing the way we respond to stress. Blood pressure reactivity is lower when people talk to a supportive friend rather than a friend whom they feel ambivalent about. Participants who have a friend by their side while completing a tough task have less heart rate reactivity than those working. In one study, people even judged a hill to be less steep when they were accompanied by a friend. This can motivate us to take part in many activities.

Why is the International Day of Friendship Important?

Let us look at some reasons:

Promotes Peace and Understanding–   The day highlights the role of friendship in promoting peace and preventing conflicts. By encouraging dialogue and understanding, it helps to bridge gaps between diverse groups and communities.

Fosters Social Connections– Friendship plays a crucial role in social well-being. Celebrating this day reminds people of the importance of building and maintaining strong, supportive relationships.

Encourages Cultural Exchange– Promotes cultural exchange and mutual respect. It encourages individuals to appreciate and learn from the traditions and perspectives of others, fostering a more inclusive society.

Strengthens Community Bonds– Community activities and events organized on this day can strengthen bonds within communities, creating a sense of belonging and mutual support.

Mental Health Benefits– Friendship is essential for mental health. Having supportive friends can reduce stress, increase happiness, and provide a sense of security and belonging. Do not underestimate the power of supportive friends and family.

Global Solidarity– In a world facing numerous challenges such as conflict, poverty, and environmental issues, global solidarity is vital. The International Day of Friendship serves as a reminder that cooperation and friendship across borders are essential for addressing these global challenges.

Soroptimists can contribute to the International Day of Friendship in various meaningful ways:

Reach Out to Friends– Use this day to reconnect with old friends and strengthen current friendships. A simple message, call, or meeting can make a significant difference. Clubs can even reach out to members in their Friendship links for a chat or two. We can congratulate another Club on its accomplishments and or like posts on social media and encourage with comments.

Acts of Kindness– Perform acts of kindness towards others. Small gestures of goodwill can help foster new friendships and strengthen existing ones. Send flowers to someone or even leave a small gift on the desk of a co-worker or the secretary at your work establishment.

Learn About Other Cultures– Take the time to learn about diverse cultures and traditions. This can help build understanding and appreciation for diversity. SIGBI gives us a chance to really learn so much about the people and cultures represented in the Federation. A chance to discover the richness and appreciate the uniqueness of all.

By emphasizing the importance of friendship and its role in fostering a more peaceful, connected, and supportive world, the International Day of Friendship serves as a valuable reminder of our shared humanity. Soroptimists can play a crucial role in promoting the values of the International Day of Friendship, thereby helping to create a more inclusive and harmonious world.

by Debra Joseph- Soroptimist International Barbados