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Trauma Teddies

Trauma Teddies


Many thanks to Medway and Maidstone Club and Sevenoaks Club for their knitting experts who have created a sackful of knitted Teddy Bears beyond their own projects. These were originally requested by emergency services to comfort children in trauma situations including children in Ukraine and arriving as refugees. The idea was then taken up by East Grinstead Club to offer similar reassurance for children arriving at the “We choose Freedom “ Women’s Refuge, which the East Grinstead Club supports, and the call for Teddies has produced a South East England 3 Club collaboration. All our participants feel this has been a very worthwhile extension project.

AGM 2022

AGM 2022


Just a quick post to say that we are holding our first face-to-face AGM on Wednesday 20 April 2022.  Lots of reports covering work and service undertaken in the past year. AND An introduction from our incoming President to the fun and celebrations planned for this our 60th Year!   FULL CALENDAR TO FOLLOW.  

Club December 2021 Newsletter

Club December 2021 Newsletter


Dear All Where has 2021 gone…. We seem to have ‘lost’ nearly two years of wondering can we meet, when, how many of us? Is everyone doing OK? And yet beyond all these restrictions and barriers we have managed to meet- enjoying each other’s company, making new friends at Being Neighbourly and keeping in touch with old friends, raising funds, donating to local charities, attending Region meetings, joining the virtual Conference, celebrating Tunbridge Wells’ 75th Anniversary, Theatre Night, Mince Pies and Coffee and the Christmas Grotto when we collected so many donations for Crawley Open House, Reigate Refuge as well as items for local Afghan refugees. We also responded to a plea from Crawley Hospital for toiletries to go to the geriatric wards! SI Cape of Good Hope asked SI East Grinstead to join the meeting. Alison Tarada received the invitation but unfortunately could not




This month our member Margaret Dunscombe MBE is being celebrated as one of some hundred                                                                                  women who have made a difference to women and girls in their lives. We are so proud of her and what she has achieved. If ever you have been grateful for daily, unrestricted visiting to see a sick child in hospital, you have to thank Margaret Duncombe MBE. Born in Vienna in 1912, Margaret made up her mind to be a nurse at the age of three. However, due to parental opposition, she went into teaching and ran her own kindergarten, as well as helping in an after school club.