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President Emma’s address April 2024

Emma Sebire   New President’s Address   AGM 23rd April 2024


I feel honoured and lucky to be at the helm of Guernsey Soroptimists for this coming year.


Cathy has, of course, done a fabulous job this last year and I’ m sure you would all like to join me in thanking her for her tireless work and leadership …. we all appreciate it!

She surely is a tough act to follow but I will do my best to ensure that Soroptimists International Guernsey continues to thrive and grow this year.


I have been told a number of times that my year as President will go by in a flash!

In that time I am hoping to introduce some new initiatives that I hope will be positively received.


I know that many of us (myself included) find change difficult but as George  C Lichtenberg (an 18th century german physicist) once said


‘ I cannot say whether things will get better if we change – what I can say is that they must change if they are to get better’


My Charity for the year is Age Concern Guernsey. They provide support and social events for elderly people, and do an amazing job within our Island. The aging population is a subject close to my heart … not just because of my lovely mum, or where I work! I am constantly amazed and bewildered by how older people are viewed and treated and I think that they should be far more valued than they are currently .

David Inglis Chairman of Age Concern will come to give us more information at the June supper meeting.


My specific goal for this year is to develop and encourage better communication between club members and a more cohesive approach within the Committees. Although we work as three Committees… we are one Club!


I am very excited to see what this coming year will bring for us as a Club and I’m very much looking forward to seeing what each individual committee will undertake during the year.

I’m hoping to be involved in as much of the activity as I can be!


Please know that I am only a telephone call or email away should my help or support ever be needed.


Here’s to us!


Emma x