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What is happening?

What is happening?


In our new club year we have the following events planned. Please look on our diary page to find the date they are taking place.   We have a beach clean organised – cleaning Ladies Bay, Les Amarreurs and Chouet. Please come along and help We have a stall at the Government House charities Fete. – Scarves and Handbags will be on sale. We have an afternoon tea planned. This is to raise funds to pay for the printing of leaflets. Please come along and bring family and friends.   Our summer outing this year will be held at Iris and Dora, followed by a meal at Village East   President Emma’s friendship weekend is planned for 6th – 8th September.   We will be taking part in the Swimarathon Our Annual Quiz will be taking place.                

Elimination of Violence Against Women

Elimination of Violence Against Women


November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and is the start of 16 days of activism across the world. Unesco’s campaign is Orange the World. The last day of activism is December 10th which is Human Rights Day In support of this last year  – 2022 we painted or sprayed 100 pairs of shoes orange. We asked shops display a single shoe somewhere in thier window for 16 days of activism. On the first day  we put pairs of  shoes on the market steps. The idea was to start a conversation about the issue of domestic violence The old shoes, which had been destined for the bin, included women’s, men’s and children’s, to illustrate that all can be victims. ‘Local statistics are that one in six men and one in three women will be subject to some form of