On Monday 1st July, 15 members of SI Hertford and District enjoyed an informative and thought provoking presentation given by John Thain, Environment Standards manager at Stansted Airport.
Stansted Airport was purchased by Manchester Airport Group (MAG) for 1.5 billion in February 2013. MAG is working towards a sustainable future, where Stansted Airport becomes London’s ‘best’ airport.
Passenger numbers have fallen from their peak of 24 million (2005) to 17 million. However, Stansted Airport has the capacity to cope with double that number, whilst using the existing single runway. The green challenge is to balance the needs of the aviation industry, HM government and environment groups. Issues under scrutiny include fuel storage; greater crested newts; waste management; air and noise pollution. Aircraft noise has fallen by 35% and aviation fuel is now 70% more efficient, which leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions.
Fixed Electrical Ground Power (FEGP) is a particularly interesting development. Power is provided directly to the plane, while it is standing at the gate. The aircraft engines are turned off at this time, reducing both noise and air pollution.
Waste management and recycling has improved from 26.3% (2008) to 54% (2010), with the target being 70% by 2020. Food waste has been composted for the past 3 years.
John then answered questions regarding flight paths over our area; car parking; passport control and security at the airport.