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Speaker Meeting 5th September 2017 – Let’s have a go!

Thirteen Soroptimists and Friends met together on Monday September 4th for a special evening at Courtyard Arts in Hertford.
None of us were budding Picasso,s but as one of our members put it ‘we got stuck in’. We were fortunate enough to have Sue Wagstaff as our tutor and the result was a brilliant evening as she took us through the stages of an artists palette. Apart from an elementary knowledge of the primary colours our knowledge of what paint and colour can do was neglible.
We began with great enthusiasm and hilarity to draw and then paint a colour wheel then to produce a shading or tinting chart.  We were using acrylic paint but Sue explAined the differences were we to paint in oil or watercolour.
An unexpected outcome was that by the end of the evening we had all got to know each other better. Everyone was helpful in a sharing atmosphere and working together was not only great fun but a full learning experience.
Sue was very pleased with her pupils and equally her attentive pupils were pleased with their tutor.
Would we all repeat the evening. YES indeed!!

Courtyard arts - the beginningcourtyard arts the final push