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6th March 2017 Cheque presentations and Speaker Meeting – “The power of music affects us all” by Julie Whelan from Nordoff Robbins

The Hertford and District Soroptimists and Friends held a very special speaker meeting on the 6th March,2017 when two Cheques for £550 each were presented to our two chosen charities as a result of an earlier fund-raising quiz.

One was presented to Melanie Ewer Development Director and Mike Smith, Centre Director of a local charity Courtyard Arts in Hertford and the other to Julie Whelan Chief Executive of the international charity Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy

After supper and before the presentation we heard a moving and enthusiastic talk by Julie Whelan about Nordoff Robbins the amazing charity which transforms lives through music therapy. We saw three clips of this in action and how it could unlock lives in turmoil. One showed the joy of an elderly lady with severe dementia when working with a music therapist. No words were necessary.

Their own trained music therapists work with many conditions such as children and adults with autism or learning difficulties, mental health problems, neurological concerns and developmental delay helping both the children and their parents.

At our next Business Meeting we shall discuss what particular aspect of their work we shall support.

Our donation to Courtyard Arts our local charity will support art sessions for women in Safer Places, a Refuge.

A most rewarding evening was enjoyed by everyone present,

Julie Whelan being thanked for her talk by Jenny Cobb
Julie Whelan being thanked for her talk by Jenny Cobb


Presentation of Cheque to Julie Whelan
Presentation of Cheque to Julie Whelan
Presentation of Cheque to Michael Smith and Melanie Ewer of Courtyard Arts
Presentation of Cheque to Michael Smith and Melanie Ewer of Courtyard Arts