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Monday 24th April 2017 – AGM

The 24th April saw almost all the club gather at the Hertford Club for our 2017 AGM.  The meeting was chaired by Anne Miles, club co-ordinator, as the club had run without a President for 2016-2017, the role being carried out by the Executive.  They were congratulated on running a successful year with the theme ‘Women and the Arts’.  The various Club officers gave their reports for the year and there were many thanks to members who were standing down from office after many years service to the club; Pam Jones and Jill Coggins as joint treasurers, Jean Tarling secretary,Valerie Seddon Membership, Pam Jones photographer and Joan Cheeseman Friends correspondent.  The new list of officers will appear shortly on our Club Officers page.
Our President for the year 2017 – 2018, Pamela Robertson was duly installed and the chain of office handed from Anne Miles to Pam Robertson.  President Pam then outlined her programme for the year and this too will appear shortly on our programme page as will information concerning the President’s charity and our intended Programme Action activities and events for the year.

Club Co-ordinator Anne Miles and newly installed President Pamela Robertson