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6th June 2017 “A Glimpse of Korea” – Rebecca Mulhall

After a very good buffet at The Hertford Club, Members of SI Hertford & District and some friends and supporters, were treated to a fascinating talk by Rebecca Mulhall.  She had spent 2 years teaching in South Korea and gave us a very illuminating talk about South Korea but also the educational system and the hours many children spend ‘being educated’.  As Yvonne Squire, who presented Becky with a small gift, (see below) said in her thanks we had learnt a lot about Korea (North and South) in her short presentation, which we all thoroughly enjoyed.  Rebecca has also been helping, along with some members of the club, a Syrian family in Stevenage learn English as they settle into life in Britain.

Soroptimist Yvonne thanks Rebecca for her talk on South Korea
Soroptimist Yvonne thanks Rebecca for her talk on South Korea