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3rd December 2018 – Christmas Party

Instead of a speaker meeting we held our Christmas Party in the home of one of our members.  Some of our Friends joined us for a very enjoyable evening raising money for our charities and also, as we have done for the last few years, collecting contributions for Safer Places, the Refuge we support.  This year they had asked for some presents suitable for mums, not to be wrapped so the children could choose and wrap them for their mum.  Pam Robertson who delivered our collection told us later the Refuge were delighted with all our gifts.

We had a wonderful spread of food and drink and President Sarah had devised some fiendish quiz questions for our delight!

President Sarah also informed us of her impending move, no date yet, but thanked us for our support.  Speakers are in place for the remainder of the year and Pam Robertson has agreed to ensure the business meetings are run each month. And we also celebrated Val Seddon’s birthday.

Our party was a great success allowing time to chat to each other and enjoy each other’s company.

Celebrating Val’s birthday
Pam R. thanks President Sarah for her work as President and gives her a present from the Club