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Isabel Hospice Fundraiser June 2021

Thinking of new ways to fundraise for the charities we support as Soroptimists, can be challenging.  Particularly during this time of a pandemic, that restricts everything we do.  Nonetheless Anne, one of our members, set about organising Tea Boxes for delivery to home addresses, in return for donations.  Raising money for the Isabel Hospice.

Team Effort

Many of our club members supported Anne to put together the boxes.  Members provided delicious food, organised lucky number prizes, prepared and delivered the Tea Boxes.

Margaret’s niece, Jane was invaluable to the enterprise by providing attractive cup cakes, making delicious lavender shortbread and putting the sandwiches into sealed plastic bags.

Thank you

We are most grateful to Jane for her support and, Anne and everyone who helped make it happen.  It was nice to be together to work on a project and the Tea Boxes have been extremely well received, so thank you everyone.

Anne said “I am delighted to say that, so far you and our friends have generously donated £940 for the Isabel Hospice.”

The final total could be higher, as donations are still coming in.  What a wonderful team effort from our Soroptimists and supporters.

Isabel Hospice sent us a thank you for the donations.