On 26th September, Sarah Newstead, Sue Sexton, Valerie Seddon, Karin Weston and Anne Miles visited the Isabel Hospice In-patient Unit in Welwyn Garden City. The Hospice was due to reopen two days after our visit and after considerable refurbishment and is still in the middle of a building site with many houses being built round it. Cheryl Cusack who is the Community Fundraiser welcomed us and we met several other people who were fundraisers, volunteers and working within the Hospice. Our fund raising contributions are much appreciated. (We hold an annual Tea Party to raise funds, Anne kindly providing her garden for the tea party). The senior nurse, Kirsty, enthusiastically demonstrated the marvellous new mattresses-£5000 each, and Sarah acted as a patient. The mattress is designed to make the patient more comfortable and less likely to develop bedsores as well as making things easier for