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Out of Afrika Update

The members of SI Poole were very pleased to have an update on the work of Out of Afrika, a Kenya-based charity long-supported by them.

Desmond and Kerry joined Poole Soroptimists at their January meeting and took members through the work of the charity over the past two years.

Out of Afrika’s main aim is to reduce poverty and they achieve this through:
Sponsoring children through their education
Running a vocational skills college

They have an impressive 90% employment success rate with students working across a wide range of industries both in Kenya and further afield.

Locally, the college’s fire training programme has been a huge success and has been called upon to put out fires in the vicinity whilst agricultural and health projects have also enjoyed acclaim.

Sourcing equipment is ongoing and Out of Afrika is currently in need of:
Unwanted laptops
Unwanted catering equipment
Books and stationery
