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Poole Quay Defibrillators

Defib webPoole Quay now has two defibrillator machines, thanks to Soroptimist International Poole. The defibrillators are located at the Boat Haven Marina (opposite Tesco) and adjacent to the old lifting bridge.

The defibrillators have clear signage and Poole Soroptimists are currently urging Poole Council for further signage on the quay’s light masts to help locate the defibrillators quickly in an emergency. Every second counts when someone has a heart attack and needs very urgent access to one of the machines. In this event, you should dial 999 for the key code to access the defibrillator and take it to the victim. The defibrillator talks you through the very simple process – you do not need any training.

Poole Soroptimists were delighted to welcome SI Great Britain and Ireland President, Jenny Vince, and SI Southern England President, Jackie Theobald, to join the Mayor of Poole, Councillor Peter Adams, to officially open the defibrillators. President Jenny’s speech highlighted the importance of making young people aware of defibrillators; in the US, children as young as 7 are made aware of defibrillators and what they should do.

Later in the day, SI Poole welcomed Presidents Jenny and Jackie to their AGM and meeting at the Salterns Harbourside Hotel and SIGBI President Jenny gave an extremely insightful talk on the future vision for Soroptimist International.