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SI Poole contributes to SI International President’s Appeal

December 2015 Christmas TrainYvonne Simpson, International President of Soroptimist International is appealing to Soroptimists world wide to raise monies for her appeal, ‘Educate to lead, Nepal.’

Following the devastating earthquake, many Nepalese women and girls lost their livelihoods, leaving them vulnerable to being trafficked into slavery. This is where Soroptimists are helping, by raising funds to build a college where girls can be educated; with their new-found skills and knowledge, these girls will be able to achieve economic independence and will no longer be vulnerable to trafficking.

Poole Soroptimists have donated £421 to the appeal, the proceeds of their evening collecting monies with the Rotary Christmas Train. The collectors are pictured here with Santa ready to bring Christmas cheer to children in Parkstone with his brightly lit train and Christmas carols and songs.