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Maternity Care in the Gambia

 Members find lots of different strategies to raise monies for the improvement in the lives of women and girls.

They have been saving their loose change each month for four years to contribute to the Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland (SIGBI) four year project named The Big Project and raised almost £200.

Although Our Clubs contribution is quite small the total raised by SIGBI so far for The BIG Project is £106,704.95 changing the lives of many women in the Gambia.

essau renovation 2

Project Achievements so far.

  • Brikama Hospital serves a population of 250,000 and each month, around 600 women give birth there.  The new 10-bedded labour ward extension is now complete and equipped, providing a safe environment for women to give birth.

  • Around 1400 women deliver every year at Essau Hospital, which is separated from Brikama by a 7 mile estuary.   Using local workers and materials, the refurbishment of the maternity unit has been completed.

  • An Ultrasound Scanner has been installed in the unit at Brikama, thanks to the memorial fund fr Margaret Lovell, a late member of SI Winchester and District.

  • A vital supply of emergency drugs to enable these units to function has also been supplied.