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Dementia Actif Gwynedd

Our second speaker in March was Emma Quaek from the Dementia Carers Support Group and manager of Dementia Actif Gwynedd. In 2014, she was offered the opportunity to work with people with dementia, which she accepted as her mother was suffering from dementia and Emma had no idea how to deal with this and support her mother. She learnt that one way to reduce the risk was to keep active. She said that dementia is not only about losing your memory but is a disease that attacks different parts of the brain and this takes a lot of understanding. Music is also very important or learning a new skill such as a language or instrument.
She thought that with our activities, learning, friendship and fun that we were doing a good job to help our brains.
Emma than gave members a “taster session” of Tai Chi as she runs on-line classes for dementia sufferers. The vote of thanks was given by Mair.
Dementia Actif Gwynedd