Welcome to SI Bedford
At the moment we meet once a month and have a meeting followed by lunch
Who we are and what we do
Soroptimist International is a truly International Organisation operating in 130 countries:
- We work to support women and girls at International, national and local level
- Working at the local level allows us autonomy over what we support and the ability to see and adjust the impact of our choices
Activities of Bedford Soroptimists include:
- Discussion and debate about a wide variety of topics of local, national and international importance such as concerns related to violence against women, educational opportunity and the well-being of children and aging
- Taking up matters at a local level e.g. lobbying MPs on issues of importance
- Raising money for local, national and international charities
- Running a housing scheme for women of limited means
- Continuing our friendship links with other clubs including in the West Indies
- Having fun – with food, friendship and outings
To contact us see Contacts Page