At the SI Beverley and District AGM we were delighted to welcome President Trish to take up the role for the year 2016 to 2017.
The Presidential Charity for the year is the Da Vinci Robotic System. At the meeting on 11th May we were introduced to the Charity for which we will raise funds.
President Trish welcomed our guest Helen O’Grady, a surgeon and her friend Diana Claughton.
Helen gave an illustrated talk on the Da Vinci Robotic System. This is an new piece of equipment at Castle Hill Hospital which is used for colorectal surgery and other operations in difficult parts of the body The old “keyhole” surgery equipment is difficult to use “round corners”, particularly deep in the pelvis but the new robot has flexible arms. It was invented in the USA and costs over 2 ½ million dollars. (The patent runs out in 2 years time).
It is particularly useful for prostate surgery and neurosurgery. The surgeon sits at a console and works the “arms” via 3D television. It is only used for elective surgery, not emergency work.
The robot arms have to be replaced after 10 operations and cost £1500 each. It is very expensive to use and the surgical team are comparing results of the use of this machine to normal keyhole machines. Results are due in 2018. Hopefully the NHS will fund this machine if the results justify its cost. In the meantime the team is largely reliant on voluntary contributions.
Members asked Helen many questions and she was thanked for a most interesting and informative talk.