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Another successful year for Beverley and District Soroptimists.

At their Cheque Presentation evening on 12th April, members celebrated a successful year of programme action and fundraising events.

As a result of coffee mornings, social suppers, tombola stall, fashion show and garage sale, the Club have been able to donate to a range of deserving causes.

The Guide Dog Association received £760, Beverley Social Club for those with Learning Difficulties benefited from £100 donation as did the Kate Goddard Memorial Schoralship in Linkoping Sweden.

Two local girls received sponsorship for their educational projects, and £158 was donated to the Meru Garden Project .

This year, President Trish’s Charity was the Da Vinci Robotic Machine at Castle Hill Hospital.  A remarkable donation of £4005 was raised  by club members and presented on the evening.

Chq presentation Apr 17 (2) The photograph shows President Trish delivering the cheque to representatives of the Castle Hill Oncology Department.

tartAs well as fundraising, The Club has supported Age Uk, Jacob’s Well, Goole Home Start, Women’s Refuge, Miller’s Social Club, Beverley Minster Christmas Tree Festival, British Legion Poppy Appeal, and has celebrated its Golden Jubilee in September.

Congratulation to all those who have supported, and worked so hard for this remarkable outcome.