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February Dinner Meeting

Following two business meetings in January and February on zoom, we had a brilliant evening at Hargreaves Cafe.  Our after-dinner speaker was Jeanette Sykes, who along with our Club President Deborah, is a volunteer with Buxton’s Riding for the Disabled.  This is a national Charity which does so much to help disabled children and adults build confidence and have fun with the horses, and Jeanette gave us a fascinating insight into the Buxton branch.  She told us of its history and development, and we learned about its busy timetable, huge popularity and fundraising.   Club members thanked Jeanette for her extremely worthwhile work and entertaining talk.


The “Krisevac Project” – Malawi 

Having been made aware of this project by our two members who live in Leek, many Club members are now donating much needed items such as bikes, sewing machines, knitting needles, wool and books of all descriptions.

On 21 February, Club member Chris delivered several boxes of books,  3 bikes, 2 sewing machines, 5 tennis rackets, 3 squash rackets and 1 recorder to the Centre in Stoke.The project greatly appreciate the donations made and Chris told them there are more to come!

Buxton Opera House Visit

Wonderful evening at Buxton Opera House when we went to see Giovanni from Strictly Come Dancing.

Donation to Breadline

President Deborah delivering to Caroline Kidd of the Breadline charity £226, raised by Club members when we agreed on making donations rather than sending Christmas cards.

Forthcoming Events

Fundraising Stall at the Rotary Fair

50th Charter Anniversary celebrations

Buxton Garden Trail

Buxton Clubs holding an Away Day for Soroptimists in East Midlands Region

Federation Conference in Belfast

and, with training, being spectator volunteers in a court observation project for domestic abuse cases