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S.I.E.G. reen Canopy

When we started planning events for our Diamond Jubilee we decided that we would combine our celebrations with a project inaugurated for the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We were going to help form the” Green Canopy”

Anne Richards took charge of some Lime saplings and nurtured them carefully which was quite a task during the long, hot, dry summer. They survived the extreme conditions and steadily started to grow and branch out. Jane Griffiths liaised with Mr David Mills MBE, the owner of the British Wildlife Centre in Lingfield, to provide a suitable planting area. Mr Mills kindly agreed and a space was secured.

The date was set for Friday 23rd September. The very deep holes had been dug by the staff at the Wildlife Centre – a task for which we were so grateful as it would have been a mammoth task to excavate holes of the necessary dimensions ourselves! Once again the weather was whimsical and this time “the heavens opened” and torrential rain poured down upon the fields of the Centre. Nonetheless, four intrepid Soroptimists, two “Soroptimisters” and Mr Mills arrived at the scene. It was hard work but under Anne’s expert guidance the four Lime trees were planted, protected from marauding rabbits and deer and without any need for watering!

Our efforts will now combine with the National Trust’s plans to establish 20 million trees by the year 2030 to create a strong natural defence against the climate crisis, the project to create a “green canopy” and our own very special 60th birthday celebrations.