SI Guernsey have an ongoing project to raise awareness of gender based violence and empower the local community to be aware, and know where they can seek help.
As part of the United Nations Orange the World campaign on 25th November which is the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Viloence against Women Guernsey Soroptimists put pairs of Orange shoes on the steps near the market. Members we there to talk to passing people and handed out Loves Me/ Loves Me not leaflets and bookmark.
To raise awareness of Orange the World Beau Sejour was lit up in Orange on Saturday and an Orange Flag was kindly raised by Elizabeth College and is flying above the St Peter Port skyline for the 16 days of activism.
For the 16 Days of Activism most shops in town are displaying an Orange shoe in their window with a label which has the phone number of Safer printed on it.