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March 2024 Club News.

World Book Day

This year we celebrated World Book Day over two days. We set up the Pop Up shop in Smith Street and opened on Friday afternoon and on Saturday from 9.00am until 3.00pm Some members stood outside and were instrumental in guiding families into the shop. We opened the shop ahead of World Book Day, and children we able to choose a book to take home to keep.



On the day itself Doreen and Shirley visited Bright Beginnings Children’s Centre and gave books to the preschool and nursery children and to the children of families attending the centre.



International Women’s Day



This year our guest speaker at our International Women’s Day Breakfast was Jurat Jill Clark. Jill gave the audience a talk  about her life and how she had coped with life changing facial injuries. Through sponsorship we were able to invite students from the high schools, colleges, Guernsey Institute and the Youth Commission to  hear Jill’s inspirational talk.


Water Aid

To  raise awareness of just how often we use water during the day members were asked to put a coin in the tube every time they use water over a 24hr period. The money raised will go to Water Aid. World Water Day 2024 is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis.