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SI Guernsey are going to be a beneficiary of the Saffery Rotary Walk

SI Guernsey are going to be a beneficiary of the Saffery Rotary Walk


SI Guernsey have been been choosen as one of the charities to benefit from the proceeds of the 2025 Saffery Rotary walk this year. Please support us and other charities  by signing up for the Walk, which will take place on Saturday 7th June 2025,  You can enter via the website: The money we receive will be used to sponsor students to attend our 2026 International Women’s Day.

April and May 24 Club News

April and May 24 Club News


The AGM at the end of April saw outgoing President Cathy handing over the  regalia to new President Emma. Our annual Liberation Tea took place on 3rd May. Senior citizens were invited to an afternoon tea at the Vale Douzaine room. Members decorated the hall in Red White and Blue and served a cream tea to the guests. This was followed by a sing along to wartime songs which was well received and very moving On a wet blustery May Day Bank holiday members and Soropti Misters were seen marshalling the World Aid Walk at Rousse, manning the refreshment table at Pembroke, and some ventured to Herm to help there.           At our May Supper Meeting President Emma presented a cheque to ………. from the Guernsey Welfare. The money from the Charity Account and £100 from our walkers. will be used

March 2024 Club News.

March 2024 Club News.


World Book Day This year we celebrated World Book Day over two days. We set up the Pop Up shop in Smith Street and opened on Friday afternoon and on Saturday from 9.00am until 3.00pm Some members stood outside and were instrumental in guiding families into the shop. We opened the shop ahead of World Book Day, and children we able to choose a book to take home to keep.                     On the day itself Doreen and Shirley visited Bright Beginnings Children’s Centre and gave books to the preschool and nursery children and to the children of families attending the centre.               International Women’s Day             This year our guest speaker at our International Women’s Day Breakfast was Jurat Jill Clark. Jill gave the audience a talk  about her life and how

January Club News

January Club News


Our first event in January was a delicious soup lunch – followed by equally scrumptious cakes. The International committee hosted the lunch to raise funds for Tariro. Tariro UK is a charity that funds projects for young people in need in Zimbabwe : helping them to learn, to develop and to grow. Click on the link below to find our more about Tariro.   Marie Randall Plaque Ceri and Shirley attended the unveiling of the plaque for Marie Randall. Marie was teh first women elected to the States of Guernsey. The Plaque was places on the wall of the old Randalls Brewary as this is where she lived. The Soroptimists gave a donation towards the cost of the plaque.  

Orange the World

Orange the World


SI Guernsey have an ongoing project to raise awareness of gender based violence and empower the local community to  be aware, and know where they can seek help. As part of the United Nations Orange the World campaign on 25th November which is the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Viloence against Women Guernsey Soroptimists put pairs of Orange shoes on the steps near the market. Members we there to talk to passing people and handed out Loves Me/ Loves Me not leaflets and bookmark.                                                  To raise awareness of Orange the World Beau Sejour was lit up in Orange on Saturday and an Orange Flag was kindly raised by Elizabeth College and is  flying above the  St Peter Port skyline

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

 Tania Schultz was the guest speaker at our International Women's Day Breakfast On International Women's Day on 8th March we hosted a breakfast at St Pierre Park. Grant Thorton sponsored the hire of the room,We invited students from the high schools, Ladies College , Elizabeth College and the College of Further Education to attend. Their places were sponsored by Carey Olsen. The breakfast started at 8.00am allowing the students to return to their studies after listening to our inspirational speaker.  Tania toldthe story about how she grew up surrounded by Appartite but followed her dream to become an International Rugby player. 
President Cathy’s address

President Cathy’s address


I am honoured to be the club President for the second time.  I promise to give you my all in the coming twelve months. I would like to thank President Kate for steering us this past year. This has been the first ‘near normal’ year post Covid and culminated in a very successful friendship weekend. Kate had reduced the committees to three:Local, International and Social. This has worked well and I therefore plan to continue with this format. Also in Kate’s year we changed the frequency  and format of meetings. Reducing to a monthly combined supper/business meeting has worked well, enabling committees to to meet inbetween without being too onerous. However,  I am also aware that it leaves little time for speakers which has formed a valuable part of our educatation as to other’s endevour’s, so I am proposing that on alternate months, we keep