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President’s Message

Sue and I are delighted to share the role of President this year of SI Hallamshire.

SI Hallamshire is part of Soroptimist International, a global women’s organisation with clubs all over the world

SI Hallamshire is a club of active and enthusiastic women who want to make a difference to the lives of women and girls in the community and across the world. We are a small club but our members enthusiasm, talents and skills make up for this and we aim we to make a difference by empowering, enabling and supporting the education of women and girls.

We meet twice a month and the key focus of our work is Programme Action.

The club charity that we are supporting this year is Sheffield Women’s Aid, we not only fundraise but try to give practical help such as bags of toiletries, toys, household goods to support the women and children fleeing domestic violence. Our fundraising often involves cakes and food and such events as, big breakfasts, coffee mornings and barbeques.

Our members use their skills to make sheets, cot blankets and knit clothes for the charity baby basics also knitting garments to provide clothing for refugees and the homeless.

Recycling of many items over the years has helped with fundraising and in a small way made the planet more sustainable. Recycling of jewellery, mobile phones to support the charity Roundabout which supports homeless young people. Recycling milk bottle tops for Yorkshire Cancer Care.

Other projects and charities we support are:

Roundabout – a local charity supporting homeless young people

St Luke’s Hospice

Working with Sheffield College to award a catering student that has overcome adversity a monetary prize to help them achieve the next stage of their career.

Alzheimer’s Society helping with their “Forget me not Appeal”

Baby Basics supporting new mums and their family

We have a Friendship link with SI Sutton Coldfield club meeting socially usually once each year and we attend special events at each other’s club. We support each other’s Programme Action projects.

Our club is a member of the Yorkshire region which has 21 clubs, SI Yorkshire is part of a global network of more than 72,000 Soroptimists in 121 countries across the world with consultative status at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at the United Nations.

We welcome new members do come and join us, we have fun and laughter while often educating ourselves with interesting speakers and undertaking projects together to make a difference to women and girls.