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Opening Ceremony

Blog written by Joyce Boorman

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Thursday night was the Opening Ceremony of the 80th SIGBI Federation Conference with over 1300 members from around the globe experiencing the Flags of the Federation ceremony. The flags (from Anguilla to Zimbabwe) were paraded by SI Yorkshire members to the Harrogate Band playing ‘World in Unison’ from Holst’s Jupiter.

The SI flag was carried by Margaret Cook, Regional President SI Yorkshire accompanied by Ann Garvie, SI President. The UN flag was carried by Edna Schafer-Hughes, Regional President SI Midland Chase and accompanied by Ann Keepax, Regional President, SI Midland Arden.

Members stood in memoriam for those members who had died in the last year.

The Roll Call followed with particular recognition of new members.

Members stood for the reading of the Vision and Mission statements by Sally Currin, SI Pretoria.

A welcome to conference was made by Anne Spence, Conference Chair, followed by a presentations on the Yorkshire Region by Margaret Cook and SI Harrogate’s President, Andrea Trimmer.

opening c 1 smallPresident Margaret then formally opened the Conference when she said that she hoped there would be active participation to make the conference unique.

The Harrogate Band entertained us all with a selection of music from around the world, from boisterous to contemplative and audience participation, although members did not know the difference from ‘stop’ and ‘go’. We then boogied out of the HIC ready for the exciting sessions ahead.