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June Speaker – Hertfordshire Community Foundation

In June, Helen Gray, the Foundation Director of Hertfordshire Community Foundation (HCF) joined members online.

HCF is the natural port of call for grant making and philanthropy in the county of Hertfordshire. They work in partnership with individuals, companies and other organisations across every sector of the community to build a better life for all.  To meet local need, HCF offers a professional and flexible service to assist donors, whether individuals, companies or trusts, as well as public authorities and agencies to achieve their local charitable giving objectives.


Hertfordshire is generally perceived as an affluent county. However, this hides the reality for many.  Hertfordshire has places where need and deprivation is in the worst 10% in the UK – highlighted by HCF through its independent ‘Hertfordshire Matters 2020’ research. Regrettably, all social need highlighted in that report has been exacerbated by the ongoing impact of Covid-19 demonstrating the importance of local insight.

Grant Making

HCF focuses its grant making to groups and organisations that provide front line services. Using endowment funds, they give long term sustainable grants helping to improve the local community.  HCF managed philanthropic giving, grants and corporate responsibility services on behalf of others.  They also provide research, identifying needs in the county. Since established in 1988, HCF has awarded in excess of £16m in grant aid.

In addition, HCF Training & Development delivers free and low cost courses offered either in person or online.