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Immediate Past President

Soroptimist International Midland East Region thanks Kam Britland for her time as our President.

I was excited to fly the flag as President of Midland East Region for the second time.

My theme was Working Together Is Our Success which focused on recruitment, membership, sustainability and engagement through mentoring, communications and friendship. 

Originally from Malaysia,  have lived in the UK for 40 years and have been a member of SI Mansfield and District since 2003. At Club level I have been President, Programme Action Officer, and Representative to Region, and am also currently Communications/Website Editor. I was a local government officer for 30 years, and when in Asia I worked for an advertising agency. I joined Soroptimists because of Programme Action, having also been a member of Amnesty International. I hope to use my skills to help raise the profile of Soroptimists and increase Membership.

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