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Club News 2013 – April 2019

18 February 2019
North West Blood Bikes visit SI Pendleside.
Bryan Evans of North West Blood Bikes gave the club a fascinating insight into the work and organisation of this truly amazing volunteer group, which works hand in hand with the NHS, to transfer blood and tissue samples, test results and equipment between hospitals and laboratories. This organisation is almost entirely self-funding and has saved the NHS many thousands of pounds. After a lively question and answer session, President Barbara Shaw presented a cheque from the club to help further promote the work of this vital organisation.
16 April 2018
After a meal at The Higher Trapp we held our Annual General Meeting and installed our new officers for the next twelve months. This year we are pleased to report that we now have a full complement of officers namely a President, President Elect and a Vice President. The continuity of officers will make the Club feel more secure. It was decided to give to Paul Wright for The Good Samaritan School in Uganda a donation that will provide 3 beds for the trainee nurses. The picture below shows the bed.
06 March 2018
Friendship Evening at Higham Village Hall. 48 attended including Soroptimist members from other Clubs and friends to hear Mr David Tomlinson tell us the history of Warburton’s Bread. He gave us a very informative and entertaining talk which included a very humorous DVD of Peter Kay. A supper of Potato pie and sweets was enjoyed by all. The raffle raised £90 for MIND.
04 December 2017
To celebrate our member Maureen Howarth becoming the Regional President of North West England and the Isle of Man and Susan Biggs of S I Burnley becoming our Federation President we held a canapes and drinks evening at the Higher Trapp Hotel. It was a very pleasant evening. Members did a quiz and June Melling played the piano to our Soroptimist Songs. To close the evening a celebratory cake was cut.
20 November 2017
At our meeting Custody Sergeant Gil Gilbert, at Bury Police Station gave us an insight into her job.During the year we have collected underwear, socks, toiletries. Gill requested sanitary towels in future. This is an ongoing project.
21 September 2017
A Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Support was held at the home of our Treasurer. We invited the general public and to raise the money we held a cake stall and a raffle. A very pleasant duty was performed when our member Judith Crabtree was presented with a Long Service Certificate for 50 years.
 17 September 2017
Our International Day Service of Peace was held in Higham Church where Maureen Howarth lit a candle and lessons were read by President Barbara and our new member Val Thomas followed by tea and biscuits.
09 July 2017
An Afternoon Tea was held at Higham Village Hall to raise the funds for the Meru Women’s Garden Project. Entertainment was provided the Little Arden Angels accompanied by June Melling. A mannequin was supplied by Marks and Spencer and the fruit and vegetables were kindly supplied by Morrison’s Supermarket and auctioned off at the end of the afternoon. A total of £425.00 was raised.
8th August 2017
Our member Doris Davies celebrated her 90th Birthday, President Barbara and Barbara Clegg visited Doris and presented her with flowers cards
and her 50 year Long Service Certificate. Doris has served as President, Secretary, Treasurer and was DU President in 1977-78.
20 February 2017
Fair Trade – our Speakers Mr and Mrs Corkish from The Mustard Seed in Garstang talked about their visit to Ghana. Members were surprised to learn that there are 4500 products licenced to carry the Fair Trade logo. The picture shows many of these goods.
 14 November 2016
Melody on Monday
 This was our first session of inviting people who live with dementia to come and sing their favourite songs. It was held in Higham Village Hall and afterwards we served tea and cakes.
 002004Everyone enjoyed the session and looked forward to next month when it will be nearly Christmas and we can sing Carols and enjoy traditional Christmas fare.
18 September 2016
peace service 2016 002On Sunday 18 September 2016 we joined in the Peace Service held at Higham Church to celebrate the International Day of Peace. Our members read Bible readings, lit the peace candle and also said prayers. After this we provided breakfast in the Village Hall.
27 August 2016
Over the Bank Holiday weekend Higham held their annual Scarecrow Festival. The theme was a song tune. We chose “Sisters” and the Beverley Sisters were our entry. They were dressed as Soroptimists. Unfortunately we didn’t win but had great fun preparing our entry. Also we raised £154 on the tombola for Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani-born schoolgirl, who was shot by the Taliban for defending her right to education. At the back of the tombola stall we had a display of our club’s activities.
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05 June 2016
Our Birthday Celebration was held at The Higher Trapp Hotel, Simonstone where we welcomed SIGBI President Elect, Ann Hodgson and SIGBI Vice President, Sue Biggs. The evening commenced with Burnley Camera Club showing us two short garden films – most relaxing and enjoyable. Rev Pam Nicholson sang the grace to us in her delightful voice.
Sorops May june 2016 006
28 February 2016
Members Maureen and Irene attended the Friendship Link Llandudno’s Charter Lunch.The Guest Speaker was Dr Sonia Khowry who won the”Women on the move Award 2015″. She was an asylum seeker from Syria and is here with her daughter. Her speech was inspiring and moving.
02 December 2015 – Gifts for Young Carers
This year it was decided to support the Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Young Carers Group and provide each “Young Carer” with a Christmas gift. There are 51 Young Carers and so appropriate to their ages bags were packed to hopefully bring some joy to these young people.
young carers gifts
22 October 2015 – Fund raising lunch
Members invited their friends to a lunch to raise money for The Good Samaritan School, Uganda. Paul Wright told us about the new classrooms and the progress that has been made with the help of students from QEGS, in Blackburn who visited in the summer. The picture below shows Eric a student and the desks at the back with metal frames are some of the ones we desks Eric
21 September 2015
At our meeting Doris Lord presented Susan Fillary from the Ribble Valley Macmillan 100 Club with a cheque for £250. This had been raised at our Big Breakfast in Higham Village Hall following our Church service.
20 September 2015
International Day Service of Peace at Higham Church. Reverend Jane explained the details and thinking behind this day. The theme this year is Partnerships for Peace – Dignity for All. Our members were joined by a member from Blackburn and Burnley Clubs. A candle was lit during the service for Soroptimist Clubs worldwide and members read prayers and bible readings.
Peace Service
17 August 2015 – Visit to Waddow Hall
A buffet lunch was enjoyed at Waddow Hall and a tour of the house followed where we were told the history of the building and its association with the Girl Guides. Our picture shows some members wearing the pyjamas we had purchased for the local Women’s Refuge. Also we were providing children’s underwear and socks.
Waddow Hall
 07 June 2015
This year our Charter Celebrations were held at the Higher Trapp Country House Hotel but were a less formal occasion and more of a 66th Birthday Celebrations. It was attended by our current Regional President, Tessa Jones and 6 Past Regional Presidents. (pictured below)
Pendleside Birthday Celebration
08 March 2015
To celebrate International Women’s Day we invited other ladies to lunch with an Italian Theme. Lasagne and Tiramisu was served to 30 ladies. A talk about our project “The Good Samaritan School in Uganda on the outskirts of Kampala was given by Rev Jane Bury who visited this dormitory school last year. A raffle was held to provide the funds to supply new desks which are desperately needed.
Tuesday 03 February 2015
President Maureen visited Lomeshaye Junior School, Nelson and presented them with a selection of books for their library.
The Headmistress, Angela Pleasants was very happy to receive them.
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Thursday 16 October 2014
World Food Day
We invited widows to lunch at Higham Village Hall to compliment our project “Women Working With Widows” (wwww). The ladies invited attempted to solve two quiz sheets and enjoyed a two course meal cooked by President Maureen. It proved to be a very pleasant afternoon. President Maureen is holding the roasting tin ……..
photo 1




Sunday 15 June 2014

Our 65th Charter Anniversary meal was held at the Higher Trapp Country House Hotel, Trapp Lane, Simonstone on Sunday 15 June 2014. It was attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Ribble Valley, Councillor Mr and Mrs Michael Ranson as well as members from our own Region, Yorkshire Region and our Friendship Link Club of Llandudno and District.


The cake was cut by our President Maureen Haworth and our two honorary members Mrs Doris Davies and Miss Kathleen Hanson. The picture below shows the Mayor and President Maureen seated on the settee with the Mayoress and other visiting Soroptimist Presidents standing behind.

cake        people


On Saturday 06 July 2013 the club held an Afternoon Tea at the Craft Studio and Coffee Shop, (by kind permission of Beryl Taylor) Shawbridge Street, Clitheroe to raise money for the NSPCC. It was a glorious sunny afternoon and despite it being the women’s final at Wimbledon it attracted members of the public. The Mayor and Mayoress of Ribble Valley, Councillor Richard Sherras and Mrs Lynne Pate also attended. The photograph shows from the left Beryl Taylor, Irene Hargreaves, the Mayor and Mayoress.

This picture shows Janet Pearson and Mary Pickup welcoming people to the Afternoon Tea.

President’s Lunch held on Sunday 4th August.








On Sunday 25th August, Bank Holiday weekend, SI Pendleside took part in the Higham Scarecrow Festival to promote our organisation. Our member, Heather Swindlehurst, designed and made our scarecrow   ” Mary, Mary  quite contrary”.