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The Importance of Good Communication: By Anne Rogers


We all know that the world’s connections are ever-growing, so effective communication is a vital factor for social interactions and achievements, whether that is online or face to face. When communication is effective, it leaves all people feeling satisfied and content, which is essential in both professional and personal environments. Misinterpretations within these settings may lead to conflict. This could be avoided if strong communication is maintained and acknowledged by all taking part in the conversation, and if they utilise the known skills of effective communication.

Online presence is a huge part of our lives. That is why promoting effective communication will ensure better online safety and improve working relationships. The way we communicate is essential for experiences like getting a job, maintaining healthy relationships and self-expression, so this blog will talk more about why effective communication is important.

What Does Good Communication Mean? 

To put it simply, good communication is when we can effectively speak and listen when in a conversational environment and acknowledge a range of thoughts and ideas from a diverse group of different people. Whilst everyone can do this to some degree, not everyone can communicate effectively. People think that effective communication comes naturally whereas, in reality, most people have picked up bad habits that are masked as “good communication.”

Misunderstandings caused by poor communication are at the root of most conflicts that arise within both workplace and personal environments, because many people express their own thoughts and fail to consider other people’s feelings.

This is an example of poor communication, as effective communication requires more than just words; it is about how we interpret, listen, and engage with others and to what level, in addition to speech. With effective communication, people should be able to accept constructive criticism, listen conscientiously and accept a range of different viewpoints that may differ from their own. This should be maintained throughout every conversation.

What Are Benefits of Good Communication?

Effective communication is a pillar of our daily lives, so mastering it has many benefits. One of which is that a level of trust builds if you show your ability to listen carefully and acknowledge different viewpoints. People will see that you are considering their ideas. This encourages them to develop and feel a sense of trust towards you. If executed properly, conflicts or issues can be resolved with effective communication, because the ability to listen and provide a reasonable and fair viewpoint helps all parties to reach a well-devised resolution. With effective communication, more enriching relationships can be maintained or created, both within the workplace and personally. When everyone’s thoughts and feelings are acknowledged, mutual respect is encouraged to develop, and all parties feel more secure. Another benefit is that, if communication is strong, it can fuel new and creative collaborations where teamwork can flourish. When all members’ ideas are adopted without any conflict arising, innovative ideas can be brought to life.

How Can Good Communication benefit our Organisation? 

As Soroptimists, effective communication will benefit us all, improving members’ well-being, and increase the levels of productivity and mutual respect. When we understand both member’s roles and expectations, then our ability to focus on tasks – not organisational issues will be eased. The result is that more productive work will take place. With functional communication, any organisational conflicts can be managed and resolved quicker, management of workloads will become easier, and distractions will be minimised as people judge their relevance.

When working in a team environment, effective communication skills are essential so that members will feel more comfortable working in a group where everyone is on the same page. Another benefit is that any information that is unclear can be clarified and deciphered more easily. The ability to give clear expectations and ideas will eliminate any misinterpretations from others. This not only means that everyone understands what is going on, but it also avoids any potential future conflicts. Effective communication is pivotal to us as Soroptimists, as communicating across barriers, whether language or geographical, is crucial to allow us to pursue our Program action work.