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Christmas Tree Festival at the Red House Cone

Christmas Tree Festival at the Red House Cone


The Red Cone sparkling Christmas Tree Festival will open on Saturday 25 November 2023. Previous years have seen unique and innovative trees decorated by local schools, uniform groups, charities and organisations. SI Stourbridge tree is shown here decorated in orange to highlight 16 days, hoping to  “Orange the World” through activities aimed at raising awareness of, or eliminating violence against women.    

SIGBI London Conference 2023

SIGBI London Conference 2023


SIGBI’s 89th conference was opened by Hilary Ratcliffe OBE. Ann Dawson conference chair welcomed us, explaining that members had asked for iconic or capital cities to host. London certainly ticked both those boxes. President Cathy Cottridge welcomed members and guests, and explained that 80 first time attenders were wearing yellow lanyards. Thanks was given to past members.   We heard King Charles best wishes congratulating us on our focus on sustainability, violence against women, & microfinancing      

The Importance of Good Communication: By Anne Rogers

The Importance of Good Communication: By Anne Rogers


  We all know that the world’s connections are ever-growing, so effective communication is a vital factor for social interactions and achievements, whether that is online or face to face. When communication is effective, it leaves all people feeling satisfied and content, which is essential in both professional and personal environments. Misinterpretations within these settings may lead to conflict. This could be avoided if strong communication is maintained and acknowledged by all taking part in the conversation, and if they utilise the known skills of effective communication. Online presence is a huge part of our lives. That is why promoting effective communication will ensure better online safety and improve working relationships. The way we communicate is essential for experiences like getting a job, maintaining healthy relationships and self-expression, so this blog will talk more about why effective communication is important. What Does Good Communication Mean?  To put

New and Views July 2023

New and Views July 2023


News and Views July 2023 Jane Clarke MBE has written a summary of our clubs news for July. You can read the pages and see what the club has been up to  by clicking on the links below. News and Views July 2023 (dragged)   News and Views July 2023 (dragged) 2

Dr Jane Flint Bridgewater ‘Reaching For The Stars’

Dr Jane Flint Bridgewater ‘Reaching For The Stars’


Warm congratulations and roses were given to Dr Jane Flint Bridgewater before speaker dinner on 15th June, recognising her recent award of the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) Mackenzie medal 2023 for services to British Cardiology. Jane had been invited to address the Women in Cardiology session at BCS Conference 5 June in Manchester, her topic “Reaching for the Stars”.  Leading team working all her professional life, she appreciated how Soroptimism has focussed her thoughts in recent years.  Her medal appreciated her pioneering role as first Council representative in the Women in Cardiology #WIC @BCSWIC movement in UK, several other preceding Council contributions for British Association for Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) and District General Hospital representation, and not to mention being Founding Trustee of their Cardiac Patient Voice affiliated group Cardiovascular Care Partnership UK (CCPUK) @CardioCarePart.  A champion of several ‘Cinderella’ areas beginning with nuclear

Rachel as incoming President thanking Jane for her leadership during her year as President

Rachel as incoming President thanking Jane for her leadership during her year as President


Rachel as incoming President & on behalf of our club thanked Jane for her leadership during her year as President.   S I Stourbridge & District – President’s report for the year 2022-23 This time last year I was looking forward to the year ahead with some nervousness and appealing to you all for your support. I now look back on an amazing year with gratitude to all my Soroptimist sisters for your generosity of spirit, time and resources. It has been a very special year for me, in which I believe the ethos and principles of Soroptimism have thrived in Stourbridge and District. My theme for the year “We rise by lifting others” has been enacted in so many ways that I find it hard to draw out highlights without simply cataloguing our activities! Perhaps this variety is in fact what shines out for