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WBHS Soroptimists raise £360 for Harbour Refuge

A huge thank you to all of our guests: the girls from Whitley Bay High School, family, friends, our club members and guest Tricia, from Harbour.

So, the room got booked, the quizzes created & printed, food ordered, raffle prizes collected, tickets printed and sold, displays made, wine and water collected, room organised, hamper created, balloons inflated, snacks eaten (so unhealthy girls!), raffle tickets sold, and so the quiz began with Charlotte excelling as quiz person………….each quiz round totalled, money totted up to reveal an awesome £360 raised for Harbour.

So here are the final results – so close.

1st    JJ & the WKDS – 102

2nd   Last Again – 98

3rd   StevB – 90

4th   Spanish Battery – 89

5th   6 – 86

6th = Spice Girls,  The Passion Fruits – 85

8th   Wait for it – 82

9th   NCPG – 71

WBHS Soroptimists
WBHS Soroptimists
Club members
Club members were runners up with the team name – LAST AGAIN- just pipped at the post by a Music Video tie-break round
WBHS Soroptimists
WBHS Soroptimists
WBHS Soroptimists
20+ raffle prizes
Hamper as prize for winning quiz team.
Treasurer for the evening.
Sample of contents of bags to be put together for residents of Harbour Refuge.
Info about Harbour, one of two charities the WBHS Soroptimists have chosen to support.
WINE or WATER – great money raiser and with a 1 in 5 chance of winning a bottle for £1 it’s a no-brainer!
A full house – 56 supported the evening.
Charlotte, our host for the evening – did a great job!
Thanks to Dave at the Golf Club for our nibbles. Much appreciated.
Colourful and healthy!
The winning team – JJ & the WKDS