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Join us on the DIVA (Don’t Ignore Violence & Abuse) walk.


Sunday 25th November 11am, Priory, Tynemouth. 3.5 miles to Waves, Whitley Bay. Refreshments provided at Waves. Register with Gillian Adam – (0191)643 7411  or gillian,


The DIVA Walk is part of  North of Tyne Domestic Abuse Awareness Week – from 25 Nov 2018

Did you know?

25% of women are affected by domestic violence during their adult lifetimes

16% of men are affected by domestic violence during their adult lifetimes

58% of abused women miss at least three days of work a month

33% of all domestic violence homicides happened on workplace grounds

56% of abused women arrive late for work at least five times

5% of men in England and Wales experienced DV in the last year alone

7% of women in England and Wales experienced DV in the last year alone

£2 Billion is the annually cost of DV and Abuse to businesses