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Knitting for Kori

Our club regularly donates items to support Kori Project which works to educate, empower and improve the health of women and girls in the Kori district of Sierra Leone.  Some of us were privileged to meet some of the trustees of the project in 2022 and member Rosemary keeps us updated with news and dates of shipments of items. At short notice, Rosemary got together 15 knitted/ crocheted blankets, 3 knitted jumpers, 49 knitted baby hats and a bag of 26 recycled bras to add to the shipment heading to Sierra Leone on 31st October.

The knitted items are very important to the project as they are distributed to pregnant women who come to the clinic to give birth. At the clinic, the new mothers learn how to keep themselves and their babies well and safe and are encouraged to return for regular health checks. Soroptimist clubs throughout the world contribute to the project and the founder, Rose Simbo is a member of SI Thames Valley. Find out more about the Kori project at