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Regional Meeting – entertaining, informative and thought provoking.

Regional Meeting – entertaining, informative and thought provoking.


Liked the pace of the meeting, despite the internet crashing and the PA system not working it was a worthwhile day – and thoroughly entertained by SI Newcastle dramatic interpretation of their court observations but read the report – it’s a serious subject – we should all be more informed.   Read the full report by following the link below.

WBHS Soroptimists – 30 new sign-ups in our second year!

WBHS Soroptimists – 30 new sign-ups in our second year!


 For the second year Soroptimists visited Whitley Bay High School to engage with potentional young Soroptimists – word has been spreading and 30, YES 30, young women expressed an interest in joining last year’s Year 12’s.  – more infomation and new ideas to follow -SO WATCH THIS SPACE.                                                                                               Great debate about ‘Oranging the World’ – we gave out oranges to raise awareness of the 16 days of Activisim against gender-based violence which begins on November 25th.  Why not join us on the DIVA walk organised  by North Tyneside Council.

Join us on the DIVA (Don’t Ignore Violence & Abuse) walk.

Join us on the DIVA (Don’t Ignore Violence & Abuse) walk.


    The DIVA Walk is part of  North of Tyne Domestic Abuse Awareness Week – from 25 Nov 2018 Did you know? 25% of women are affected by domestic violence during their adult lifetimes 16% of men are affected by domestic violence during their adult lifetimes 58% of abused women miss at least three days of work a month 33% of all domestic violence homicides happened on workplace grounds 56% of abused women arrive late for work at least five times 5% of men in England and Wales experienced DV in the last year alone 7% of women in England and Wales experienced DV in the last year alone £2 Billion is the annually cost of DV and Abuse to businesses    

WBHS Soroptimists working for a local women’s refuge

WBHS Soroptimists working for a local women’s refuge


These young women never cease to impress me: their confidence, their commitment to women’s issues, giving up their time to helping women & children in our region – yes – ALL OF THIS and tackling 4 -5 A’levels, UCAS applications and all of the stresses of 21st c life. A HUGE THANK YOU from our club!  With money left over they will buy PJ’s for the children at Christmas time – what a lovely idea!!