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Emergency Relief Fund

Emergency Relief Fund

Charity Number 211231

The Emergency Relief Fund was set up to grant aid for the relief of acute suffering caused by disasters.  Soroptimist members, clubs, national associations, regions and networks are invited to contribute to the fund and they may also request that aid be given for specified emergencies.

Grants would normally be administered by Soroptimists if there is a club in the immediate area, or by partner organisations such as UNICEF or the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

In May 2020, the Fund dispersed an amount of £1,000 to the WHO Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund. There were no other requests for aid from the Fund during 2020/21.

To donate to this Fund, complete the donation form and return it to  SIGBI Donation Form. The form includes details of how to make payment by cheque or by BACS.

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