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Sign a Petition


Do you want to make a difference to Women and Girls around the World?

Taking action by signing a petition can really make change happen.Petitions are a great way to get your views heard by Government, get Journalists to take notice or raise awareness about a certain issue. There are so many different petitions flying around, so with the help of our Programme Team we’ve selected a few which we feel are right for you to support.

In addition if you’d like to contact your local MP about any issues, you can search for their details here.

Act against abuse this (UK) Election – Refuge open letter

There are only a few weeks to urge the next government to prioritise action against domestic abuse. With the UK General Election approaching, Refuge has the chance to influence the future Prime Minister, whoever they may be, to take a stand against domestic abuse. But they need your help.  Please sign the open letter to

Uphold the Ban on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in The Gambia

Please sign the petition. Some information is below and you can see more when you click the link to sign the petition. There is concern about the proposed repeal of the ban FGM/C in The Gambia. FGM/C is a violence against women and girls, sexual assault and child abuse that poses serious risks to the health,

Support Women’s Aid’s open letter to UK Political leaders

Women’s Aid has launched its manifesto in advance of a General Election in 2024, calling for the national prioritisation of domestic abuse and other forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG), and for political parties to pledge their commitment to the three key pillars. You can read more on the Women’s Aid Website: Women’s

NOTE – Please be aware that by signing up to some petition websites you may receive emails regarding other petitions which are not of interest. Please check your subscription preferences on sign up.

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World Food Safety Day – 7th June 2024

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World Environment Day – 5th June 2024

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