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New Members information

A Brief Introduction to our club.

SI Anglesey has been running since 1965. We are part of an international organization who support women and girls across the world. Soroptimists have a seat at the UN Convention and there is more information about Soroptimism on the SIGBI website. SI Anglesey are part of the Cheshire, North Wales and the Wirral Region. We also have a website accessible via SIGBI/SI Anglesey.

Our Club has 28 members whose age range is 40+ to 90+. We are fortunate to have a range of skills and abilities, we are non-political and non-religious. We meet once a month at Nant yr Odyn, Llangefni on the third Monday usually from 7.15 – 9pm and also the first Monday of alternate months.  We have a mixture of speakers, social and business meetings. We are a friendship club but our drive is taking action and raising awareness to issues affecting women and girls locally, nationally and internationally.

Our regular commitments are to the local Women’s Refuge, Digartref, (the homeless charity) and the foodbanks. We are avid recyclers and litter pickers. Some of our members also make mastectomy cushions, twiddle muffs and tragedy teddies. We raise awareness of modern day slavery, domestic violence, breast cancer as well as supporting and celebrating UN days. We lobby both the UK Government and the Senedd on issues affecting the Island and women and girls. We have recently supported WaterAid, Girls Education in Nepal and Meru Garden Project in Africa.

We also have fun, we celebrate Dewi Sant, have a meal when it is our anniversary, hold a friendship evening with food and entertainment when friends and family can join us and have an annual summer outing, near or far. Meetings are relaxed, there is a bar at the hotel and tea and coffee are served. We usually have a raffle and sales table which may include cakes, plant cuttings, books or unwanted gifts. We  hope to restart our walking group for walks on the island or in Gwynedd and friends and family are very welcome to take part. Also, we meet monthly for lunch around the island.

Each year, from April to March we have a new President who decides on what charities we will support and fundraise for and which speakers she would like to have at Club meetings. She is supported by a group of members who form the Executive.  This year we will be having a charity shop in Holyhead for a week to raise funds. This year the President’s charities are in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind and Alaw Unit Fundraising Group for cancer.

You will be very welcome to join us anytime, and we look forward to meeting you at any of our events/ meetings.

Bez Standen  –   or 0793377604

Membership Officer