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Ysbyty Gwynedd Dementia Care – an Update

In 2018/19, during the NHS and our club 70th anniversaries, President Andy Hawkins chose to support Dementia Care in Ysbyty Gwynedd Hospital and we raised £5,000.
Here is how Andy recorded the event:

With photographers, press and all of their ‘tech’,
To the Hospital team we presented our cheque,
Promoting their work – and ours – with elation;
A Plaque will be placed to record our donation.
A quiet room for patients is what they intend
For reminiscing, relaxing and being with friends.

And here is the plaque:
Plaque for Bangor Soroptimist donation
Then in 2020/21 President Diane Davies and members raised over £2,500 for Dementia Care. This went to purchase 10 dolls, 10 sony CD players and 6 Bush DVd players and the reminder of the money will either go towards a sheltered area within the garden , or to modify the therapy lounge.
A picture of the items bought with our donation to Dementia care in 2020.

We are so happy to support our local hospital.