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2.4.24 Annual General Meeting

President Marianne welcomed Lesley Hall as a new member to the club having been introduced by Mavis who would continue to mentor Lesley as a member.

President Marianne shared with club members:

“I set out this time last year that my key theme for the year would be how to support our existing members – friendship, kindness, inclusion – the membership & wellbeing committee led by Julie would be central to this – and my did she deliver! Cards, telephone calls, little chats…..I have certainly felt the warmth and support at our meetings and its true to say I’ve had many a hug!

I hope you’ve enjoyed our programme of speakers this year – again we tried something different – reducing to one business meeting has given us an opportunity to slot in extra contacts – orange café every month – although a serious message it has been lovely opportunity to touch base a bit more informally – eat cake but, I think I miss the bacon baps with brown sauce!!

Although we all knew it was going to be an important year for the club – 75 years 1948-2023 little did we imagine how that idea would grow:

75th charter lunch at Bwyd Da;

75th celebration on the 5th March at Storiel: Exhibition and afternoon tea – guests included Regional President Janet and the Mayor of Bangor Elin Walker Jones;

75 days of kindness to nature

75 cold water dips by our Secretary Vikki during the year and raising a wonderful £150 to be shared between the RNLI and Seal Rescue.

As your President I represented our club at Regional meetings, re-engaged with Bangor City Council at the 50th anniversary twinning event between Bangor & Soest, took part in the Remembrance Sunday Ceremony at Bangor Cathedral, attended the South Caernarfonshire Christmas Carol & Luncheon Portmeirion and Llandudno & District’s Luncheon, re-connected with Gorwel & the Women’s Refuge and made new connections with Y Nyth in Ysgol Hirael & Porthi Dre in Caernarfon.

President’s charities:

In our 75th anniversary year, we supported two main charities: local groups who help individuals and families of those affected by long term substance misuse and The Veronika Lemishenko Charity Foundation which supports those in need who remain in Ukraine during this time of conflict.

It was a year of fundraising, friendship & fun as reflected on our website

This year we reduced our number of formal business meetings to one a month and have been meeting on or around the 25th of the month for the Orange café to raise awareness to end violence against women & children. The Summer gathering afternoon tea at Diane’s and pizza party at Y Glyn were a great success as was the Friendship Evening with our Ukrainian friends who treated us to borsht and other Ukrainian delicacies and the Get Set for Christmas with Susan and the clothes pop up fair ‘rownd a rownd’ at Porthi Dre Caernarfon. A huge thank you to our supporters and sponsors. In summary charity fund raising was incredible and raised to date nearly £6,000.

We also supported Ty Gobaith, North Wales Society for the Blind, Breast Cancer, Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) and the Stoma Support Team at Ysbyty Gwynedd.

Thank you all – and my personal thank you to the Executive Committee”

Marianne was presented with the Immediate Past President badge of member Julie Lewis which she personally gifted to Marianne.

The chain of office was presented to incoming President Diane Davies who addressed the Club.