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Mary’s Meals – Love Reaches Everywhere

Mary’s Meals – Love Reaches Everywhere

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At the club meeting on 6th October 2020 we were shown a video on Mary’s Meals, Love Reaches Everywhere, showing their work providing each child one meal a day in an educational setting. We have supported this charity for many years since President Anne Griffiths (2015-16) introduced it to our club. We normally send backpacks for the children but this was paused this year because of the pandemic.  Instead a cash donation of over £300 was donated by members to help support this worthwhile charity. You can find the video on Mary’s Meals UK You.Tube channel by following the link below

Modern Day Slavery: Asparagus, Cashew Nuts and Chocolate Hazelnut.

Modern Day Slavery: Asparagus, Cashew Nuts and Chocolate Hazelnut.


Bangor club investigated asparagus, cashew nuts and Chocolate Hazelnuts to discover if there was exploitation of workers at home or abroad. Three club members gave presentations at the September club meeting. Mair found that cashew nut production has problems in India including acid burns to women from shelling cashew nuts. This has been reported in the press. Cashew nuts are not just snacks but are found in a great number of Indian dishes and people may not necessarily be aware that it is an ingredient. Sheena discovered that child labour is a risk in West Africa, in the world’s two biggest cocoa producing countries Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. Hazelnuts may have been picked by children working in farms in Turkey. Gudrun found that Peru was one of the main producers of asparagus. Child labour is prohibited by law in Peru but apparently 20% of children

Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose

Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose


President Diane has introduced this recycling project to help make a difference during 2020/21. Each meeting an item will be introduced that members might collect and , in the process, improve our environment. Those members who are self isolating will also be able to participate. So far the list includes plastic bottle tops , duvets/pillows and cushions, stamps, bric a brac, toiletries, jewellery and children’s books to name a few – and more will be added as the year moves forward. Many different charities will benefit during the year including the Alzheimer’s Society, local hospice, animal charities, women’s refuge, our local hospital …and more! The plastic bottle tops are a long standing collection started by our enthusiastic Programme Action Officer Sian Kent to promote the issue of throw away plastic. The bottle tops will eventually be converted to a recycled plastic chair! So whilst we

A picture of two coffee mugs with rainbow colours and NHS on side
Club Action in Lockdown

Club Action in Lockdown

This has been a very challenging time globally but all our members have been amazing. True friendship and kindness has shone through during this extremely difficult experience. We have even found unexpected delights as communities have come together and also in finding more time to stand and stare. Like many at this time, we are overcoming technical challenges and having virtual meetings via Zoom on a regular basis. Those members unable to join us are contacted afterwards via our ‘buddy system’. This works very well and means all our members can keep in touch.   We also keep in touch with our WhatsApp Sorops Group and share many hilarious videos, jokes and quizzes to keep us amused!  On a more serious note, it is a way of making sure that all our members are keeping safe and well with help wherever it is needed. Despite the
SI Bangor & District in Lockdown Covid-19

SI Bangor & District in Lockdown Covid-19


This has been a very challenging time globally but all our members have been amazing. True friendship and kindness has shone through during this extremely difficult experience. We have even found unexpected delights as communities come together and where there is time to stand and stare. Like many at this time, we are overcoming technical challenges and having virtual meetings via Zoom on a regular basis. Those members unable to join us are contacted afterwards via our ‘buddy system’. This works very well and means all our members can keep in touch. Another way of keeping in touch is our WhatsApp Sorops Group where we share many hilarious videos, jokes and quizzes to keep us amused! On a more serious note, it is a way of making sure that all our members are keeping safe and well with help wherever it is needed. Despite the

Raising Money for Lung Cancer Ward and SCBU at Ysbyty Gwynedd

Raising Money for Lung Cancer Ward and SCBU at Ysbyty Gwynedd


HUGE Congratulations to President Eirwen and all members of SI Bangor & District who raised over £8,800 for various charities during Eirwen’s term of office 2019/2020.  Special mention of the donations of £4,000 to The Lung Cancer Ward and £4,500 for the Special Care Baby Unit at Ysbyty Gwynedd, our local hospital in Bangor. Wishing our new President Diane Davies best wishes for yet another successful year in 2020.

Royal Protection Service

Royal Protection Service


The talk at our Tuesday club meeting was given by Commander David Seaborn Davies (Dai). He had many amazing insights and stories to tell us about what it is like to protect the members of the Royal Family as they go about their royal duties at home and abroad. He is one of the world’s foremost experts in Security and Protection with a career spanning over 45 years culminating in the Operational Commander in charge of Royal Protection for HM The Queen and the other members of the Royal Family .

Lung Cancer Unit

Lung Cancer Unit


The Christmas Craft Fair and the Chocolate Tombola stall were both very well supported at Ysbyty Gwynedd. An amazing £1,000 was raised for the Lung Cancer Unit at the hospital.   Thank you to all members of SI Bangor for their contributions to the stalls and their help at both events.

Preparing for Christmas

Preparing for Christmas


Members of the club were hard at work to help make Christmas a happier time for women who are in refuge this Christmas. We prepared 15 food bags each containing a large box of biscuits, Christmas pudding, mince pies , carton of custard and a stollen. Our Bangor branch of Women’s Aid would be distributing them to their families in need in time for the celebrations. We also made up 30 bags containing basic essential toiletry items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, sanitary wear, towels and flannels. Women often arrive at the refuge with nothing as they escape from an abusive situation so these bags are a godsend.